
Decanters and Claret Jugs

18th Mar 2023

Decanters and clarets have been used throughout the course of history in many countries around the world. Wine is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages on the planet, enjoyed by many through the ancient ages to the modern wine which is relished today. Throughout these times, ancient and new, wine has been appreciated, enjoyed and stored in beautiful decanters, such as our Baccarat Crystak Marillion Decanter Set.

What Is A Decanter?

You have probably heard of the term ‘Decanter’ before. Originally, a decanter was a jar or bottle shaped vessel which was used to store wine, much like our Vintage Czech Bohemian Clear Glass Decanter.

The earliest decanters were made from pottery and in rare cases even hallowed out rocks and stones. With a tall, slim neck, wide base and an opening at the top a decanter allows wine to oxidize and release its full aroma.

What Is Claret(Clairet)?

laret, or sometimes named ‘Clairet’ is a popular wine that originated in France, specifically it came from the Bordeaux region and became quite the popular drink of choice throughout England during the 18th century. Naturally, Claret was often placed in elaborate decanters by wealthy people to show off their exotic wine.

Decanters Through the 19th & 20th Century

In recent years, claret decanters have continued to become more elaborate, and evolve into many of the more interesting shapes we see today. Quite often, decanters are ornate and used to fill glass cabinets, with eye catching colours and designs, like our Bohemian Ruby and Gold Trim Glass Decanter from around the 1950’s. Decanters of the early 19th century often boasted incredible engravings and strange patterns, some even incorporated delicate gold or silver linings or accents.

Modern decanters of all shapes and sizes quickly spread across the globe. Throughout the 20th century, decanters finally started to be designed with more functionality in mind, like this Vintage Ring Neck Glass Decanter.

Decanters Today

The design and use of decanters today may vary from household to household. Modern decanters are usually made from the likes of stainless steel, blown glass and even crystal. Shapes can vary from very basic to intrinsic designs, but they all essentially do the same thing.

Why not check out our range of decanters on our website? Whether you’re searching for an interesting piece for your glass cabinet, or you want something to enhance your Friday night glass of red, you’re sure to find a fitting piece. Browse a range of antique and new decanters today.